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Sunday, November 28, 2010

SaneBull World Market Watch for Stock Markets

Stock Markets Widget

Hello, Everyone! This widget is the World Market Widget from SaneBull. SaneBull is a finance-oriented stock tracking web application/platform which provides:

  • a finance web-top with portfolio tracking,
  • finance tracking widgets,
  • contextual plug-ins for sites
  • and paid services to deliver real-time data to traders, funds and such.

With the World Market Widget one can stay updated on all of the world markets because this widget never stops monitoring the world markets. Consequently, you'll see continuous, real-time quotes on many of the world markets. This widget can be configured to poll the markets by continents, specifically Asia, South America, North America and Europe, with current price, change, volume and charts displayed. The Indexes include MerVal, Bovespa, TSX, AEX, FTSE and several others. To see the other Indexes and/or obtain the widget embed code see World Market Watch.

Delight in the Lord

4Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalm 37:4, KJV
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