

Widgets and Gadgets features the best, free, embeddable, fancy widgets including Blog widgets, Music widgets, Media widgets and Social Media widgets. Widgets are great web apps of content in tiny packages!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shang Studio's Tees and Tutus

Baby Tees and Tutus

I learned about this photo widget from a fellow Tweeter. It features bling-y tees and tutus that Tina D. Shang, Web Developer & PPC Professional makes for her grand-daughter. The bling-y tees and tutus will probably be a wonderful second business for Shang Studio.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Professional Blog & E-mail Signature Widgets - DooID v2.0

DooID v2.0 Blog & E-mail Signatures

Hi, Everyone! Today's featured widgets are from DooID, the creation of Founder & Web Developer, Per Schmitz. Recently, DooID v2.0 was released and I'm enjoying using v2.0 even more than I enjoyed using v1.0!

The image on the top-left side of this post is the new DooID v2.0 Sidebar Widget; it's the actual widget. Click on 'v-card' and it will take you to my Michelle_Boddie DooID Virtual Business Card. Of course, your Sidebar Widget would take you to your DooID Virtual Business Card.

The widgets below are samples of the E-mail & Blog Signature Widgets. As their names suggest, you can add these widgets to your e-mails and your blog posts as your 'signature'. The value of using the DooID Signature Widgets is that you have a novel signature that links to your DooID Virtual Business Card for each post or e-mail! To see an example of using the DooID as a *blog-post signature, you can visit, ''X' is Here!'

These DooID v2.0 E-mail & Blog Signature Widgets are customizable by color (although you don't see that reflected with my DooIDs, you really can; I tried out different colors) and the two lines of information below your name. The Sidebar Widget (160 x 250 pixels) is available in the color shown (sleek & professional). As with the Sidebar Widget at top-left side of this post, the widgets below are clickable. One of the E-mail & Blog Signature Widgets is shown without an e-mail address 'selected'. The other one is shown with an e-mail address 'selected'.

You can discover more about the DooID Virtual Business Card at my related post (with video), 'Virtual Business Cards: DooID v2.0. Love It!'

Blog & E-mail Signature Widget for Michelle_Boddie (w/o email address 'selected')

Sidebar Widget (160 X 250 Pixels) for Michelle_Boddie

Blog & E-mail Signature Widget for MichelleBoddie (with an e-mail address 'selected')michelleboddie

Sidebar Widget (160 X 250 Pixels) for MichelleBoddie

* To add the DooID Blog & E-mail Signature Widget to each of your posts in Blogger/Blogspot blogs, click on 'Settings', then click on 'Formatting' and then add the code you obtain from your DooID account, into the 'Post Template' area/box. Finally, click 'Save Settings' and your done!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Real Estate: Property and Map Widgets

Real Estate Widgets from Zillow
Hello, Everyone! The widgets featured in this post, on the left and below, are three of several really nice widgets from Zillow. Zillow is a leading on-line real estate marketplace that is dedicated to helping home-owners and real estate: buyers, sellers, renters, agents, landlords, property managers and mortgage professionals find and share valuable information about real estate and mortgages. Their goal is to help people make informed, intelligent decisions about their homes. Learn more about Zillow. View all of the Zillow Widgets.

 This 'Real Estate on a Map widget' is highly customizable by:
  • Title  ('Homes in My Area' can be changed)
  • Region  (select a City and State of your choice)
  • Size  (I made this one really large)
  • Background color
  • Link color
  • Border color
  • and Co-branding is optional

Homes in My Area

The following widget is the Most Expensive Homes widget. It is customizable by:
  • Size
  • Widget type
  • Location
  • Co-branding is optional

Most Expensive Homes in Georgia

Monday, October 18, 2010

#EarthTweet Badges

#earthtweet from Brighter Planet
Earth Tweet Badges (Widgets)

#Earthtweet is a novel way to share environmental news with the 'Twitterverse' a.k.a 'Twitter Universe' (all the Twitter Tweeters). To participate in sharing your environmental information, simply include the #earthtweet hashtag with all of your eco-tweets. Also, see what others are eco-tweeting by searching for #earthtweet on Twitter/NewTwitter.

Below, I've included the three #earthtweet badge sizes. Cute aren't they?!
You can get the embed codes at Earthtweet.

#earthtweet from Brighter Planet
#earthtweet from Brighter Planet
#earthtweet from Brighter Planet

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Beautiful Nature in Photographs - Presentation Widget

Sponges, Jellyfish, & Other Simple Animals (Animal Kingdom Classification)

Gorgeous Creatures & Scenery

The presentation widget below features exquisite photographs of exquisite creatures and scenery we may not see, everyday. The images that stand out for me the most are:

  • Slide 1 - this sea creature has a gorgeously colorful 'complexion'
  • Slide 2 - these tall plants have such a graceful posture
  • Slide 13 - this creature and the rock almost match 100%
  • Slide 20 - the sand this creature walks through is so beautiful and pristine all around it
  • Slide 23 - this beautiful creature is taking a sip
  • Slide 24 - this creature looks happy; it looks like it's smiling for the camera or photographer

Thank-you Trisha Garcia for sharing your presentation with us!

Recipe Widget - Delicious Recipes in Time for Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Christmas

Join Kim Hammons as she shows you
incredibly easy heirloom recipes
using American black walnuts.
You can get the full recipe online
at Hammons Black Walnuts!
Food Channel's Recipe Widget

Hello, Everyone! Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Christmas are approaching again, and you may want to find more food recipes in preparation for your holiday feasts. The widgets from the Food Channel can be one source of those recipes. The Food Channel is where we can go for wonderful food inspiration, recent food trends and vast food knowledge. Learn more about Food Channel.

Below, I've included their Recipe widget in the two sizes that are currently available. View all of the Food Channel widgets.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

ThinkGreen Recycling Widget

CFL Recycling KitWaste Management's Think Green Widget

Today's widget is from Waste Management, a company that works with your business to re-think its resources in the effort to minimize waste while adding value. They do this with environmental solutions that create the possibility of saving money, and even making money, via recycling, re-using goods and re-introducing remnants back into production. Learn more about Waste Managment.

With this interactive widget from Waste Management we can learn how our recycling makes a positive impact on the environment. This widget can be shared on Facebook, Blogger and other platforms with three, simple steps (on their widget page) . Enjoy!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Women's World Blitz Chess Championship - @chesspics

Chessmaster: Grandmaster EditionBlitz Chess Championship 

Hello, Everyone! This post features Alexandra Kosteniuk a.k.a "Chess Queen', one of my @MichaelasJoie Tweeple. Alexandra is the 12th woman in the history of chess to have reached the title of Grandmaster (Men). Recently, she became World Champion. Also, Kosteniuk is a leading world chess promoter and educator. 
In the featured video, Kosteniuk wins this game against Valentina Gunina at the 2010 Women's World Blitz Championship in Moscow, Russia.

Learn more about the game of chess and 'Chess Queen' Alexandra Kosterniuk at http://chessqueen.com/ and http://www.chesspics.com/.
Thank-you @chesspics for sharing with us!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Widget: Ambient World of Patroux

ReverbNation TuneWidget: Ambient Music by Patroux

The ReverbNation widget below features the music of Patrick Doux a.k.a Patroux, a French musician at Marcoussis (which is not far from Paris). He has composed more than 250 Ambient music pieces with influences from great artists/musicians such as Vangelis, Yanni & numerous others.

Ambient music can be very peaceful to hear. I hope you enjoy this widget and Patroux's music.

Band emailQuantcast

Delight in the Lord

4Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalm 37:4, KJV
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