John Kepsimelis, U.S. Coast Guard Image: Clouds of smoke billow up from controlled burns taking place in the Gulf of Mexico on May 19, 2010. The controlled burns were set to reduce the amount of oil in the water following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
These three videos share the story, as told to
60 MINUTES, of how the BP oil-drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico, 'Deepwater Horizon', was destroyed on April 20, 2010, causing the worst oil spill in U.S. history, to date.
This is what bad decisions fueled by greed has caused; major human-error! What's worse than the lack of correct actions to prevent this fatal blowout is the
insufficient actions (prior to June 5, 2010) that have been going on to stop the leak of oil. Based on what we're hearing from the people that worked at this drilling rig, a lack of good, sound wisdom was prevalent regarding the malfunctions that led to this blowout. Now, we don't have the
luxury of time for good, sound wisdom to
kick-in to the minds of the people trying to stop this leak. We need the
immediate intervention of our maker/our Creator. He made Heaven, Earth (including the ocean and sea) and everything and everyone. We need to ask Him (if haven't already done so) to
immediately enlighten everyone involved in:
- trying to stop the leak,
- cleaning up the spilled oil in the water and the soil/beaches,
- saving the creatures (birds, fish & others), and
- protecting humans from the residue (in water, in food, in air/atmosphere)
so that they/we get our efforts right, and therefore, tremendously
effective each time. They/we need Divine intervention and Divine wisdom to handle this major, human-error. The Creator still loves us/humans, even when such human-error has taken place. Furthermore, He's willing to impart the Divine wisdom they/we need for this situation, as well. I hope that you all will join me in asking our Creator for His help. I imagine He's got a 'fix' for everything humans mess-up! Take care.