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- Any Tags (specify) > Choose Layout
- Choose from > Customize Playlist title (as mentioned above)
Friday, February 25, 2011
Slides Playlist Widget for Your Blogs or Websites
SlideShare Playlist Hello, Everyone! Today's widget is the SlideShare Playlist. With this widget you can embed a custom playlist of presentations and documents on your blogs or websites. You can choose a feed from your tags, groups or events, or from your uploaded or favorited SlideShare content. You can give it a custom title, as well. Simply customize it and copy the resulting code. To create a personalized playlist of your own content, you'll need a SlideShare account. You can customize the feed for a SlideShare Playlist widget via the following choices in the 'Select feed to appear in your playlist' section:
Delight in the Lord
4Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalm 37:4, KJV