EUReKA is an American science fiction television series that premiered on the Syfy channel on July 18, 2006. Since then three, full seasons have aired. The show is set in a fictional town called EUReKA in the Pacific Northwest (USA) inhabited, almost entirely, by geniuses and scientists that live in a top-secret government-run town. Nearly everyone in EUReKA works for Global Dynamics, a huge advanced-research facility responsible for the development of all major technological breakthroughs in the last 50 years. Each episode features a mysterious accidental or intentional misuse of technology, which is then solved by the town's sheriff, Jack Carter with the help of town scientists. ~ Wikipedia
To learn more about the town, visit Eureka. Below, I've included a video of EUReKA out-takes, a Eureka video widget and a Eureka trivia widget for you to enjoy, too! If you're a Eureka fan like me, you probably already know that the series returns Friday, July 9th on the Syfy Channel.
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